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Embracing Light in the Midst of Darkness:

A Message for the 3rd Advent

As Christians light the third candle on the advent wreath, we all find ourselves navigating through a busy and stressful environment. No matter our religion, we might feel the urge to balance between anticipation and reflection. The holiday season, often associated with warmth and togetherness, can sometimes cast shadows that linger in the corners of our hearts.

Loneliness, like an uninvited guest, may find its way into our lives during these festive times. The world outside might be decorated with colorful lights, but within, some of us carry the weight of loneliness. It’s crucial to acknowledge that these emotions are valid, especially in a season that seemingly emphasizes joyous gatherings.

I’ve just stepped out of a church after what feels like a century. This year has been challenging, with war, inflation, and many personal challenges. I had an urgent need to pray for all of us. While sitting in the church, I realized how living in seven countries opened the door to exploring different cultures and religions. I’ve celebrated and prayed with Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims. Traveling around the world, I often wondered about the role of religion—sometimes a source of hope, sometimes a cause of division.

A Beacon of Love

But no matter what religion we belong to or what we believe in, in dark times and unfamiliar territory, having someone to speak to can help us cope with the situation. In moments of solitude, when the world appears draped in shadows, it’s essential to recognize that we are not alone in our experiences. The light of love has a remarkable way of finding us, even in the most unexpected corners of our existence.

My time in Bali/Indonesia showed me how people of different faiths can live peacefully together. As we approach the 3rd advent, I wish for a Bali spirit, where religions are threads in a tapestry, not walls that divide.

This Christmas, I hope for an understanding that religion gives hope to many, but we must also be aware of its potential to cause conflict. Religion can bring us together, but we need to make an effort to respect others’ beliefs. It’s a delicate balance—finding comfort in it while recognizing its historical role in causing division. This Christmas, let’s celebrate not just the birth of hope but also cultivate an awareness of our own positions and power.

This advent, let’s be a beacon of love for ourselves and others. Extend kindness to yourself as you would to a dear friend. Embrace the solitude as an opportunity for self-reflection and self-love. In the quiet moments, discover the strength that resides within you

Share your feelings

Reach out to loved ones, even if it’s through a heartfelt message or a virtual connection. Share your feelings and listen to theirs. In doing so, we create a network of support that transcends physical distances.

May this season remind us that, like the candles on the advent wreath, our collective light shines brighter when we shine together. Wishing you a Christmas filled with understanding, unity, and hope.

With warmth and light and lots of love,


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