Vietnam 2021

Let the adventure begin

Welcome to my first impression of Hanoi. My exchange semester started in July 2021. Since then, nothing went according to the plan. Let’s find out about my first 42 days in Vietnam and why I already fell in love with this country.

Adventures in Vietnam​

The adventure Vietnam has finally started. On September 21st the Lockdown got loosened and I was able to explore the city of Hanoi. Hopefully, I will be able to follow my plans to start travelling into the north at the beginning of October.

Tips for exchange students in Hanoi

Soon you will find information about how I have prepared for my exchange semester at the ULIS in Hanoi. I am also working on a short video.  I will introduce you to Aunty Lien’s homestay, which is within walking distance of the university. Therefore it might be attractive to some international students looking for a homestay.  Lien and her daughter will help you to arrive and settle in. I will also provide you with further information on how to make the best out of your time. So let’s stay tuned.

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Doro's Love

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